
Showing posts from February, 2008

Some Performance photo

Hehehe this pic was taken at Dynasty Hotel before my 24 season drum performance starts..I told my dad to come back after 1 hour because the lions were still taking the traditional blessing inside the my dad took a photo of mine then went home..After the lions done taking the traditional blessing in the hotel..Then they started the lion dance performance...after that..We started our 24 season drum performance..but too bad my dad din take the photo of mine when we were presenting our 24 season drum because it starts 15 minutes before the time that I told my dad to come..anyway,the next day we're on the newspaper...Below is the photo..Saw me?hehe.. And this photo below was the photo that taken at the big temple on 'Chap-Goh-Mei'..but when my dad was looping the video when we're presenting 24 season drum..the camera sudden no power..haihxx..dunno when can I see the video when we're presenting 24 season drum.. Wow we're so fierce?=/ Wow can find me?I'm ...

Family photo

On 16/2(Saturday) morning,I went to church for i-youth visiting wif some of the church members..We went to some church members' house to 'bai-nian',and got some "angpao" too..The last house we went was my house..It was really crowded when all of them acme in my house because my house too small to put them in..After the church members left my house..then we took our family photos..Here are the photos.. Our Family photo Over happy I guess And me and my cool daddy.. After that,we went to the airport to send my sis there because she's going back to KL..It's quite sad tho..I truly hope she can stay for a bit longer..Hehe anyway,gonna go for another topic now..:D

SUPP Office Buglared

人联办事闹贼 万元 新春红仪失窃 (本报美里15日讯) 飞天贼夜闯人联党美里支部办事处大楼, 窃走狮团 新春红仪近万元现款! 人联美里支部(百利达商业中心) 办事处今早凌晨时分遭贼徒从4楼天花板潜入干案, 彻夜翻箱倒柜及大肆搜索后,窃走近万元的新春红仪,同时也将办事处所有文件及物品丢得凌乱不堪。 有关负责人今早揭发闹贼事件后,即向警方报案。 据了解, 该支部没有闭路电视,可是设备却安装在外, 而贼徒是从天花板潜入,因而直接避过镜头拍摄,使警方无法从闭路电视掌握窃徒的影像。 另一方面,人联党支部针对爆窃案事件发出文告指出,由现场迹象显示,潜入者专向文件案下手,而办公室所有存放在铁柜,箱子及橱架的文件及资料档案都被贼徒搜遍,文件散落一地。狮队贺岁收到的近万元新春红仪也因此落入贼手。 政治阴谋? 正当大选来临前夕,人联党办事处首次发生这样的盗窃事件,不免 让人联想为是否是有意图,阴谋和有动机的不简单事件?当然,该党希望不是这么一回事,并市委 认为本地政治生态不至于恶劣到此地步。 人联党除了强烈谴责盗窃的恶劣行径外,也全面与警方合作,以 揪出正犯,并加强保安设施,防止事件重演。 *haixx..dunno this CNY all of our hardwork will gone onot..:/


Arrr...Chinese New Year coming and I suddenly got sick..haihs..It's all the "lamb chop's" fault..On Sunday when I'm having my dinner..I saw there was a plate of lamb meat..Then I ate some of them..Well when I started to taste I eat more of them.. Eat and eat..I put another lamb meat into my mouth..It's quite hard to bite it..It's like something spring?However..I swallowed it..Then I started to have a weird feeling..When I walked out from the kitchen..I immediately got a serious fever..suddenly got a lot of sneeze..The next day..My ears are like stucked lol..but I still could hear something..At night before I sleep..I prayed to Jesus to heal me..Haihs..Hope I won't be sick during Chinese New Year.. And everyone..I advise u guys to eat healthy food during this season..If will regret yourselves....

My year 2008 School starting life..

Well..on the first day of school..I went to find my class..(1I)it's quite hard for me to find because I'm new to this school..anyway..I finally found it..When I stepped into the class..I saw a gang of "gangster" having like a meeting?And a guy with long-dyed hair..I thought all of them are in my class..But when the bell rang,our form teacher,Miss Chia Came into our class..and SOME of them went back to their class..Our form teacher is not fierce..but everyone scare of her..maybe she is quite strict?Anyway..We had our orientation in the afternoon.. Here comes about our school's orientation.. First day of orientation.. I'm late because I didn't know it took so much time for me to go outside eat..anyway..I reached the hall at around 1:45p.m...Actually I'm scared to go into the hall at that time..but got 2 AJK's came and brought me into the hall..I'm in GROUP 7, Equilleus..Our Chairman is Kurt Allyster Lee..And ...