Some Performance photo

Hehehe this pic was taken at Dynasty Hotel before my 24 season drum performance starts..I told my dad to come back after 1 hour because the lions were still taking the traditional blessing inside the my dad took a photo of mine then went home..After the lions done taking the traditional blessing in the hotel..Then they started the lion dance performance...after that..We started our 24 season drum performance..but too bad my dad din take the photo of mine when we were presenting our 24 season drum because it starts 15 minutes before the time that I told my dad to come..anyway,the next day we're on the newspaper...Below is the photo..Saw me?hehe..
And this photo below was the photo that taken at the big temple on 'Chap-Goh-Mei'..but when my dad was looping the video when we're presenting 24 season drum..the camera sudden no power..haihxx..dunno when can I see the video when we're presenting 24 season drum..

Wow we're so fierce?=/
Wow can find me?I'm at very behind of this pic..hehehe


SteVen said… good le..i long time din hear the drum sound le...*sob*a little bit jealous le...but i have mine to...

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