Come and Go.

We experience a lot of "come and go" in life isn't it? This applies especially to the people in our lives. It can be applied to our friends, that as we grow up, it becomes harder to gather everyone at the same place again; even if we're able to gather together, we have to face partings of them one by one.There are people who walked into our lives, left some footprints, be it beautiful or not, then walked out of our lives.
It may be confusing and frustrating that the people whom we hoped to stay, left us. But it's not their fault, because everyone has the right to choose to either stay or leave. We can't expect everyone to appreciate our kindness, because everyone speaks and listens to different love languages.
" Many don't appreciate you, until they see someone else appreciating you. " 
Many times, people tend to keep a part of their hearts for themselves, maybe it's due to their past relationships' trauma, but one should understand that not everyone on earth is the same. The people in our pasts might have given us trauma but it doesn't mean that the person who will walk into our lives in the future will give us trauma too. Guard and prepare our hearts, if we want to give, then give it all(again), don't be afraid to fall because the right person will hold you up when you fall.
" Come and stay. " 
Some people say forever but they don't mean it; some people never say forever but they mean it, and these are the ones who come and stay.

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭


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