2012 :]

Happy New Year, readers! As I grow up I realized that life's getting more and more challenging year by year. And I believe that this year will be an epic year, cause I have lots of things to do this year, and I can feel the HEAT now! 

So here are resolutions for 2012 (I'm greedy >:]) :

1) To become a stronger Christian. :]
2) To become a better friend to my friends.
3) To grow spiritually and mentally and physically(grow taller -.-).
4) Improve A LOT in my drumming! 
5) Go audition for DCI and make it! :]
6) Straight A's for SPM! 
7) Shine with CHMMB Drumline in all the competitions! 
8) Share with others more.
9) Angry less xD
10) Have a closer relationship with my family 
11) To bring some of my friends who don't know Jesus to know him!
12) Less pimples !!
13) Happy everyday.
14) Hope my home will be safe and peaceful and will not get burglarized!
15) Save lots of money for my future!
16) Stay away from computer games.
17) No foul languages.
18) Build some muscles hehe.
19) Be more open-minded to accept critiques and adversities.
20) Make lots of good friends!!

There it goes.. So when the time comes to 31 December 2012, I will come back and report which resolutions I have achieved! 

Besides, I went to count down with my band's friends last night. Had lots of fun and went to Canada Hill at 12:00am too! The traffic jammed like mad until our car stuck on the same ground for around 30 minutes and finally it moved a bit! Anyway, I love my friends haha 

Alright, that's all from me. 
May God bless those who read this! :]


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