My targets, my dreams

Hi everyone, I'm here to write down my targets and my dreams in my life that I really want to achieve before I turn 22 years old.

18 years old (2013):
-I want to go study music in USA. At the moment, I still don't know which university I want to go because I don't know which university is good for music education, I'm going to check it out soon.

20 years old (2015):
-I will be in USA by the time, I will go audition to join WGI Pulse Percussion and DCI Bluecoats or Santa Clara Vanguard(depends on who are their staffs). I want to be the first Malaysian to join DCI and WGI.

21 years old (2016):
-I will go audition to join WGI Riverside Community College(RCC) Percussion and DCI Blue Devils(my main target).
-I will join the DCI I & E(Individual and Ensemble) competition (snare solo).

After this:
-I will finish up my university life for music education. Then I will come back to Malaysia and start to work as a musician. I want to become a drum teacher, where I have my own school/place to teach the people who love drums and make them to go join DCI. At the same time, I want to bring up the music standard of my country, Malaysia.

When I start to earn a stable income, it will be the time when I will have a family, I want to have a happy family, with many children, living happily, trusting in the name of Jesus.

I'm writing down all these because I don't wanna just talk and talk and talk but no actions are taken. As I write down all this, I'm making a promise, a challenge to myself, to everyone that I will work hard to achieve all that I want.

All these of my targets requires a lot of support in spiritually, mentally, physically and financially(which is the toughest of all). To accomplish all these targets, I need at least RM50000.00 just to achieve my targets when I'm 20-21 years old. For studying music course, I don't know how much does it cost, but it's gonna be a lot. So I'm really gonna work very hard for this.

Lastly, I hope that you all will give supports. Thank you for reading this.


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