Anyone's here??

"knock knock knock......" is anyone still in da larrybelava's house?? Uh-huh! Larry is finally back to his house!

Dearest readers, a thousand of apologizes from me for leaving this blog under construction for so long! I was going to write a post few days ago but failed to do so due to some technical problems, BELIEVE ME I'M NOT LYING! :D

So yeah! The super-duper busy's Larry has come back, back from WCMSB 2011 (World Championship Marching Show Band 2011). But there are something more waiting for me after this, studies is the major one, my 2nd mid-term exams will start on the 20th til the 26th of this month, but I'm gonna miss first half of the exams because I will be flying to Bangkok on this coming Sunday and will come back on the 23rd. I will be going to watch my coaches and Thai friends competing in the TDC(Thailand Drumline Contest) which is on the 19th til the 22nd of August. I'm going many days earlier than the competition date to watch them practice, at the same time I will be learning from them! So wish me luck! :P

 checking in our luggage at Miri Airport

About the marching band competition that my school's band has participated 2 weeks ago. Yeah, we practiced extremely mad for it, from dawn until late night. We gave in lots of tears, sweat and blood for it, and we gave out everything we had on the competition day. We got the 3rd place in National Prelims and the 6th place in the finals. I cried before the final show at the gate when we were about to perform, tears just dropped down itself and I couldn't control it, but I knew that they were meaningful tears. 

 arrived KLIA

We didn't achieve our goals, either for the whole band or my percussion section, but we're fulfilled, because we really did our best on that day. Well, I know they were a few of them who did not, I have to say that the amount of them who did not do their best on that day was the amount of marks we're deducted. I know this is a little bit harsh of me but I'm just telling the truth, you know why? Because it wasn't of best of the drumline section at the finals, we have played cleaner than that before and that includes when we were drumming at the parking lot before the show and that means we could have played clean but we did not. I'm not blaming anyone, but I just don't understand, why didn't you play as we have practiced? This signifies the importance of playing as a team but not soloing. Anyway, forget it, the conclusion is that, this is my third year in the drumline section fighting for our goals but failed. Next year will be my last year marching with the band, I'm gonna give it another try, I really hope will be our turn to go onto the stage next year.....
 Velson and I at the place where we used to practice in KL/Selangor

one day, it rained out, the field was wet and muddy, we barefoot practiced, and this was after the rehearsal!

I really had a good season with the band this year, lots of memories have been craved in my heart. I remembered how we started off in the beginning of the year, we were so worried looking for players to fill in the empty spots to march with us. We faced lots of hardships such as juniors' unpleasant attitudes, financial problems, time management problems and more! Thank God that He gave us everything in the end, we have extremely great members with us in the end!

Packing our instruments on the final day after the competition ended, we packed until 4:00am before the daybreak and this caused GaLi to be as shown in the picture!

CH Band

Here comes to an ending of my post, I'm now extremely excited for our band's next year show, hoping that it will be a great show, and hopefully harder and that's when the fun comes! I'm no longer the section leader of my drumline section but I'm now one of the discipline and cleanliness officer of the band! I hope that this committee board will excel to bring the band to a higher level. One last thing that I really hope is that I hope that all of my batch's members who are currently form 4 will continue to march in the next season for the last time, I really hope so! 

Last but not least, thanks for reading, and may God bless those who read this. =)


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