
Lol, look at my snare's bottom drumhead, it was broken long time ago, probably around 3 months already, but I didn't care about it until yesterday, I just removed the drumhead and replace with a unbroken one(transparent one, the sound quality sucks but no choice, rather than using the broken drumhead which will sound worse a lot more).
introducing you the Evans bottom head! good one :D

Aha! here comes the main point. My PMR results was announced today, I've gotten 7A's, and 1B which is Bahasa Melayu subject. Gahh, I'm not really sad though, cause I have already expected this to happen as I only got 20/40 questions correct in the objective paper. Well, as long as it is not C, it's good hah. I'm just satisfied, praise God, no matter what happens right? =)

7A's, 1B(BM)

Well to those who was expecting themselves to score straight A's but didn't make it, don't be sad, I know a lot of you felt that you disappointed your parents, but as you cry, they will feel sad too. So cheer up my friends! =) No matter what result you get, the glory still belongs to God, so give thanks to him no matter what happens as God has planned all these in our lives. =)



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