
What comes into your minds when you see OR hear 1-300-88-2525? Pizza hut!! All of my family members except me went out for dinner tonight. So my mom asked me to online to order pizza hut, so I did! The delivery was quite fast, not even pass 30 minutes!

One thing I was not happy about it was the deliverer. I was going out to take my pizza happily just now. After I paid that guy, he told me : "next time look at the weather first before you order, it's raining." Wow? My good mood has been spoiled by him, what a attitude? That's his job to deliver pizzas. Anyway, I didn't care about him, all I did after that was... EAT PIZZA!!! :D

Oh yeah! This is the pizza that is being promoted on the Pizza Hut website. But I don't think that it's delicious. It's just tasteless, I had to apply the pizza with tomato sauce to make it tasty. Anyway I won't order this pizza again.
Couldn't finish all, was too full! =/

Keep your saliva in your mouth, readers! haha.
That's all.
May God bless those who read this. ^^


Judy said…
yeah yeah sue him!! no manners!!
Larry said…
haha nvm la.. i forgive him.. xD

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