I'm a good boy!!

From last Friday til yesterday, my mom was away from home to KL to visit my sisters. During these days, I have to do all the house chores that my mom does.
These house chores include:-
-wash the dishes after dinner.
-laundry the smellies..
-dry the washed 'smellies'.
-take my ironed school uniform into my bedroom before sleep. =(
-fill up my own water bottle before going to school. :(((

That's all, but there was something that I didn't do, guess what's it? .................. Fold the clothes!! I guess my mom has got used to it as everytime when she's away from home to somewhere for a few days, this phenomena will occur.
nice? =)

Hahaha pity my mom, but hey, at least I've done all the others house chores right??? So I've been a good son!! :D

Nothing else to write now, thanks for reading!!
God bless, chill~~ =)


MakePromise said…
haha larry..
You are a good boy,
but nt good enough huh!!
hahahahah...fold clothes la haha
Judy said…
hahaha! u're a good boy indeed. U jaga house, gor gor jaga mommy's office. :D Good good... Hen hao~! :D btw heard mom said u wanna come kl? when?
Larry said…
hahaha, dunno wor.. but im going to bangkok next wedsnesday la.. will stop at kl for few hours.. hehe
Judy said…
Few hours only arr???? when r u arriving kl?
Larry said…
ill reach kl at 8:30am on 21/7, next Wednesday. then i will depart from kl to bangkok at 3:15pm..

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