Lesson Learnt

I learnt a great lesson at i-Youth last night - Qualities of a Leader.

It was advisors' slot at i-Youth last night, so all the activities were planned and led by our youth's advisors. We played 2 games.

The first game - Around 45 of us were divided into 3 groups, every group formed a circle. Then we were appointed to hold different person's hand with our different hand, an entangle was formed. Our errand was to untangle the entangle to form a circle without releasing the hands that we were holding, but we could face to any direction when the circle is formed. So then my group did it, we didn't take more than 20 seconds for it, it was quite easy though (thanks to our seniors' masterminds hehe..) . After that, the advisor passed his microphone to some people and asked them to speak out their opinions for this game, but when the people got the microphone, they just passed it to another person and to another person

The second game was quite tough. The advisors gathered all the chairs at the middle of the room. I was elected as the leader of my group, our youth advisor gave each group leader (3 groups) a small piece of paper, and we have to do as what the paper has instructed. So my group's task was to gather ALL the chairs at the middle of the room, here comes the riddle into my mind, because all the chairs were already gathered at there before that. While I was still thinking, the advisors shouted 'Start the game!', the other 2 groups were rushing to take the chairs to either the back of the room or near the door. It was so messy, everyone were like fighting to get the chairs. My group and I were looking at the messy situation.

No longer, the advisor asked all the group leaders to gather to discuss how to solve this matter, rather than being so messy. 3 of us gathered and we looked at each other's task. One of the group's task was to gather the chairs at the back of the room and another's was to gather the chairs near the door and mine was to gather at the centre of the room. Now I get it! The first thing that came into my mind was to connect all the chairs together from the door to the back of the room through the centre of the room. So then I grabbed the microphone and instructed everyone, the situation was being controlled. Below are the situation of before and after.


Sooner or later, the 'formation' was formed, then I asked everyone to take their seats on the chairs. Lastly, I told the advisors, 'DONE'.

Yup, finished playing the game. Then our advisors told us many things about the games that we played and about our life. In life, we will face these kinds of situations too. The thing that I have observed was that, when there is something bad happens, everyone will become self-centered and only care about themselves. Instead of fighting with each other, why don't we calm down and talked together to solve the problem in a good manner?

Quotation - "After that, the advisor passed his microphone to some people and asked them to speak out their opinions for this game, but when the people got the microphone, they just passed it to another person and to another person."
From the above, I think that in life, whenever we have a chance to show something out, we must grab the chance and not to let go of it. Because if we've never practiced when we're young, we will never do it when we have grown up too. According the the NIV version Bible, 1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 demonstrated "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

Last but not least, I think I've written too much in this post haha, so I'd better stop writing here. Hope you guys do really read this post and learn something which you guys could pursue in daily living. Thanks for reading, God bless. :D
*what a blessed Sunday morning that I'm still alive, with a good weather and the most important is that, I'm going to praise and worship the Lord today. =)


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