
My mom and I went to Lea Sport Centre in Imperial Shopping Mall to buy my CNY shoes.. After a lot of considerations, I chose a pair of Adidas-branded shoes instead of a Nike-branded basketball shoes because all the stocks of the size that I wanted has already sold out.. Anyway, I love this pair of shoes very much.. Thanks to my mom so much for spending RM200++ to buy this pair of shoes for me.. love you, mommy <3

take #1
take #2
take #3

Extra photo..
Erika's cylophone
That's for for now,
gotta go sleep so that I'll have enough energy for Mr. Kasem's percussion camp tomorrow..
Good night, readers!! =)


MakePromise said…
I kinda hate...
"The Brand With Three Stripes"
haha XD
But anyway still a nice shoes =D
Not with those shoes though ><
Larry said…
haha lawl..of course.. xD

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