brothers' outing

Zhi Dong had came back from Tasmania, Australia for a short holiday break.. Well, he is a good friend of mine, so Eu Min, Zhi Dong and me went to Parkson to hang out yesterday... First thing we did at there is.... Zhi Dong treated us Marry Brown chicken!! Haha he's still that generous.. After that we went to cyber cafe and the top floor's gaming zone.. Here are some photos..

me and Zhi Dong
informal one

After having fun in Parkson, we went to 'eat ice' at the shop beside the Petronas petrol station.. After that, we walked back to my house.. And finally dismissed...

before he got into his car.. goodbye bro.. =')

We really had a good time being together chatting and playing.. His english improved A LOT though.. He can now speak super fluent english.. He's going back to Australia to continue his studies soon.. I just hope that he will live well over there..



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