another new month..

It's another new month, December.. Although it's school holiday now, but December is going to be a very packed month for me.. I canceled my December tuition due to my busy-ness... So, what am I going to do in this month is..

watching the rain falls everyday? :p
Balingian mission trip.. :D
CH Band annual camp

others are church camp, band practices and so on..
I drew this in my last exam...theme:sunset.. my mother complained that how come I got so high marks for this subject because I drew a piece of 'cake' out lol..btw.. my drawing is soo cute!! isn't it? :)

Have a nice month, everyone..
~Tada~ =P


MaryMoh said…
Haha....I love your picture. It sure looks so cute. You should draw more and publish it here. I love art....guaranteed support from me :)
短睫毛 said…
haha,so cute~

ur exam theme was same wif my exam theme last year,hi 5~XD

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