Oh Yeah?

Oh yeah!! My church is celebrating 20th Anniversary.. We published a magazine.. After the church service ended, I had a look at the magazine.. And guess what? I saw that I occupied 1 page of the whole magazine!! This is because that I did a sharing about my life in i-Youth last time.. And they published my sharing in the magazine.. They even published a photo of mine.. But I'm wondering that where did they get my photo haha.. Anyway, I'm quite happy =)

the magazine..
my page!! it was a photo on mine outside the airplane in London's airport just before leaving to Spain!!

*Additional photo..
Eu Min!! haha..was playing with my phone camera again xD


MakePromise said…
Haha so famous ar...
So you wrote that passage huh? Take one magazine for me...
Larry said…
yeap..but everyone can only take like 1 magazine lol

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