Marching Camp

From 9/6/09 til 11/6/09, our band organized a marching camp in order to master the marching basic of our band's juniors.. We taught them marching fundamental.. I was in Yee Yan's group, together with Hanim, Yi Hong, Jessica Jong, Yi Lian, Vivian Wong, Joseph, Chin Chian and Yeong Cherng.. Most of our juniors were in brass and woodwind and there was only 1 percussionist.. So Chin Chian and I taught him many marching stuff such as crab walks etc.. Well it was very tired among these days, kept on practicing under the sun.. The percussionist junior which was taught by me and Chin Chian cried while we were teaching him =.= Well we dunno what had happened, so we just brought him to rest.. Then we continued haha.. Didn't manage to take many photos in this camp(later kena bomb haha).. By the way, I was very noisy in this camp lolx.. In my group lah..

woo geng leh me lolx
Joseph and me..
Chin Chian!!
look who's Jacky teaching?


your percussionist junior just cried suddenly? So scary...haha..jiayou in fostering more good band member!
SaladLicious said…
u vry noisy?? haaha.. u noe jiu hao`` xD jkjk...
Hien♥ said…
yo..y jacky so fierce?

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