CH band orientation

On 20/3, Thurday, SMK Chung Hua held they Brass Band orientation..Of course la I also wanna join our school's band, so I went to the orientation too..In the orientation, we did a lot of activities such as choose our musical instrument, station game, treasure hunt and so on..I choosed to get in percussion as I wanted to play snare drum for a long time..
It's so fun when we're playing treasure hunt although it's very tired and we did not won it..After the treasure hunt game, it was already close to 5:30p.m.. So this band orientation chairman, Terrence told us that we are band members since today.. He told us that if there are any announcement about band got practise, we need to attend it..After that, we went home..


Anonymous said…
I play percussion too. Cool huh?
SteVen said…
huh??when de oo??i dun noe le..
Anonymous said…
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celular, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
MakePromise said…
hehe join percussion le muz jiayou o!!!!^^

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